Why a City CIO Fell for Web 3.0 — a explainer for my peers
I started the journey to understand Web 3.0 last January 2021. What was it? Is crypto just currency? What’s the value proposition here underlying all the hype? Well, many white papers, podcasts and YouTube sessions latter, I think I have some of those answers. The last time I felt this excited and convinced I was on to something game changing I had pivoted my whole career from environmental education (I was a waste prevention specialist) to GIS and all that entailed from geodata science to application development. Not saying that’s the goal here, but the thirst to understand more and grasp the applications to my professional work (and world view) is there, propelling me forward.
As CIO for Philadelphia I take an active role in innovation and strategic planning efforts with the leaders of the city’s front line operations. My mission is to improve service delivery to our residents and business community working with my peers. I have been actively problem solving for this vibrant, but complex city for more than a decade. What I’m attempting to do with this blog is explain to my peers the tech and paradigms shifts of Web 3.0 (blockchain, tokens, smart contracts + NFTs) that I see as having impacts on cities — operations of government and across the society: